About us

Hi, we are Miguel and Jaya. We have been together since 2017 and had the opportunity to visit a lot of amazing places together ever since. Miguel is the founder of BnBird Homes, a short-term rental agency in Portugal, responsible for managing almost 200 properties in several touristic locations. He lived in Brazil for some time and visited more than 20 countries so far. And I have moved from the Netherlands to Portugal in 2016 and have been working as a part time IT consultant and online freelancer. Moving to Lisbon was definitely the most scary but also exciting decision in my life but challenged me in a way that nothing else could.

Travelling keeps us motivated to create a life where we could stay away on vacation for longer periods and have the financial status to go anywhere. We also have families from far, Miguel’s parents live in the North of Portugal and mine are almost all based in the Netherlands and some in Surinam and India. We’d love to see them as often as we can but unfortunately, it’s not always that easy.

Luckily, we found a way to be able to combine our jobs with short travels in between. Our longest travel was 3 weeks to Thailand and it was an experience of a lifetime for the both of us. It’s something that we look forward to repeat in the future and that’s why we’re creating a lifestyle for ourselves where we can enjoy the benefits of financial freedom in the way that suits us best.

Check also my Instagram for more photos of my travel experiences.
